Vaccination Weeks of Action Social Media Toolkit
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Social Media Toolkit
Experts are predicting another wave of COVID infections as the weather turns colder and people spend more time indoors. Protect your friends, loved ones, and members of your community by encouraging them to get an updated COVID vaccine during the Vaccination Weeks of Action. Updated vaccines protect against both the original COVID virus and the current Omicron strains.
Consider using #VaxUpAmerica (and #WeCanDoThis) to encourage everyone ages 5+ to get an updated COVID vaccine. Below are sample posts and graphics to share across your social media channels. You can add your own photos and videos. Feel free to tag other accounts to spread the word and keep yourself and loved ones safe this fall and winter.
Sample Posts:
- Everyone who is at least 5 years old and has completed a primary COVID vaccine series can get an updated COVID vaccine. #VaxUpAmerica
- Updated COVID vaccines offer you the only targeted protection you can get against the Omicron strain out there now. #VaxUpAmerica
- No matter which COVID vaccine series you got or how many additional doses you’ve already gotten, get an updated COVID vaccine if it’s been at least 2 months since your last dose. #VaxUpAmerica
- If you recently had COVID, you can get an updated COVID vaccine 3 months from when you got sick. #VaxUpAmerica
- The COVID vaccines available in the United States, including the updated vaccines, meet the FDA’s and CDC’s very high safety standards. #VaxUpAmerica
- To find updated COVID vaccines near you:
- Go to
- Text your ZIP code to 438829
- Call 1-800-232-0233
- If you are 50 or older, your risk of dying from COVID is 4x higher than it is for adults under 40. Your risk is even higher if you have a chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease, or lung disease. Get an updated vaccine. #VaxUpAmerica
- Age is the strongest risk factor for COVID complications, with people 50 and older at much higher risk for death than adults under 30. An updated COVID vaccine could save your life. #VaxUpAmerica
- 9 out of 10 U.S. COVID deaths were people 50 and older. An updated COVID vaccine could save your life. #VaxUpAmerica
- People 50 and older are twice as likely to be hospitalized from COVID than younger adults. Get an updated COVID vaccine now. #VaxUpAmerica
Sample Graphics:
Additional Resources:
- Frequently Asked Questions About Updated COVID-19 Vaccines answers to common questions about updated COVID vaccines.
- Facts About COVID-19 and the Vaccines Facts about vaccine safety, side effects, effectiveness, variants, cost, and availability.
- Get Your Updated COVID Vaccine Flyer explaining the importance of getting an updated COVID vaccine.
- Protect Your Loved Ones by Getting Your Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Poster for long-term care facilities to encourage their residents to get updated COVID vaccines.
- Update Your COVID-19 Vaccination Protection Poster for organizations to print and display to encourage people to get updated COVID vaccines.
We Can Do This.
- Want more information about the benefits of getting vaccinated?
- Talk to a doctor. A health care provider is a great person to answer any questions you may have about the COVID vaccines.
- Get answers by visiting for more information.
- Help the people you care about find vaccines at
- Updated COVID Vaccines Toolkit Outreach resources explaining eligibility for updated COVID vaccines.
- Tomorrow Could Be Too Late (Spanish) - :30 Video encouraging Latinos ages 50 and older to get an updated COVID vaccine.