Updated CDC Guidance
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CDC periodically issues guidance and information on topics related to COVID-19, including the COVID-19 vaccine, data, and other topics.

CDC recommends that people stay up to date on COVID vaccines to help prevent Long COVID.

COVID-19 isolation and quarantine period
CDC updated and shortened its recommended isolation and quarantine period for general population.

COVID-19 vaccines
CDC recommends updated COVID-19 vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and up.

Children ages 6 months +
CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older.

Immunocompromised people
CDC recommends that moderately to severely immunocompromised people receive an additional dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Pregnancy or breastfeeding
COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all people who are pregnant, might become pregnant in the future, are trying to get pregnant now, or are breastfeeding.

Updated masking guidance
CDC recommends that vaccinated and unvaccinated people wear masks in public indoor settings when the COVID risk to your community is high.